First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Birthday: *
Work Address:
What animal are you most interested in adopting? Sorry, no animals found
What breeds are you most interested in adopting?
Additional applicant (if applicable)
Additional applicant's birthdate
Additional applicant occupation
Additional applicant work address
Additional applicant work city
Additional applicant cell phone
Additional applicant email
What Veterinarian do you currently use or plan to use?
Veterinary Clinic Name:
Vet's Name:
Veterinarian Phone Number:
Personal Reference name 1 (please list someone other than an immediate family member)*
Personal reference 1 relationship *
Personal Reference 1 Phone #*
Personal reference 2 name (please list someone other than an immediate family member)*
Personal reference 2 relationship*
Personal reference 2 phone#*
How long have you lived at your present address?
Do you rent or own?* Choose one: Rent Own
If you are a renter, does your landlord allow pets?
If you currently rent, please provide your landlord's name.
Landlord's Address:
Landlord's Phone Number:
Does your home have a yard? Choose one: Yes No
If you have a yard, is it fenced? Choose one: Yes No
Please describe your fence. (material made of, height etc)*
Type of Home Choose one: House Condominium Trailer Mobile Home Apartment Other
Home Square Footage
Are there any other pets in the house?
If yes, what kind/age ?
Are your current pets spayed or neutered? (If not please explain why).*
In the past 10 years, how many animals have you owned? What breeds? Why are they no longer with you?
Are there any children in the house?
If yes, how many?
How old?
How often do children visit your home?
How old are these children?
Are there any other adults in the house? Choose one: Yes No
How Many?
Does everyone agree with the adoption? Choose one: Yes No
Does anybody within your immediate family smoke? If so, please state whether they smoke inside, outside or both. *
Typically how many hours will the pet be alone over the course of a day?
What is your main training/reinforcement method?
Will you be enrolling your dog or puppy in training? Choose one: Yes No
Name of trainer/facility
What routine activities will your pet be involved in? (regular walks/ playing ball/ dog park?)*
Are you expecting a child or planning to raise a family in the near future? Choose one: Yes No
If so, how will this affect the animal you are adopting?
What will you feed your pet?
How will you handle long separations such as extra work hours, vacations, school, potential emergencies, ect.?
Have you ever surrendered an animal to a shelter or to another home? Choose one: Yes No
Please explain the circumstances.
Why have you decided to adopt?
Do you have any special concerns about adopting this animal?
When would you be ready to adopt/any upcoming planned vacations that might affect adoption timeline?*
How did you hear about Aarf? Choose one: Aarf Facebook page Adopt a pet Friends facebook page Instagram Other search engine Petfinder Previous Adopter Word of mouth